A Foot Health Practitioner is taught to recognise common foot conditions and has the ability to use instruments such as a scalpel to treat the conditions. We are also trained on when to recognise when to either treat or refer on when necessary to a Podiatrist or General Practitioner.

The Foot Health Practioner Service includes the following 

A consultation
This is where we will discuss any concerns you may have, your medical history and current medication, your expectations of the visit and a history of your foot health.

A basic neurovascular assessment 
This is a brief assessment which has the potential to indicate potential nerve damage or compromised blood flow. A neurovascular assessment is completed using a monofilament, an assessment of the presentation of the skin and a measurement of the pulses found within the foot. If any concerns are highlighted during this assessment, then this will be discussed with you.

A foot health assessment
This is a thorough visual examination of both feet and all nails to give an assessment of the nail and skin health. I will highlight to you if anything is identified during the assessment and the results of this will determine if a treatment plan is required.

Following disinfectant, the treatment will begin. A typical treatment would look like: cleaning of the nail sulci and the under the nail free edge, cutting and filing the nails, reducing any sharp edges of the nails, reducing any thickened toe-nails using a micro-drill, addressing any identified ailments, such as a corn or callus and filing dry skin.

Wrap up
The treatment is finished with a final disinfectant spray and application of a deeply moisturising cream which offers a unique combination of high-quality essential oils which give a long lasting and refreshing effect.

This is a dry service and feet are not soaked, which ensures a long-lasting result.  

Please note that this service cannot be claimed through insurance.